Mount Cook - MacKenzie

South Island

Mount Cook - MacKenzie

Like a great road trip movie, wind down the windows, put on your favourite tunes and prepare yourself for a sensory intake of freedom.

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50 items with the highest ranking score first, showing page 2 of 3.

Welcome to Lake Ruataniwha holiday park. With Lake Ruataniwha right in our doorstep , Mount cook in our backyward and and canals full of fish...

Mt Cook in Autumn

For a small fee of $20 per family of 2 adults and 2 children, you can experience the goodness. Booking are not needed but if you book ahead...

Time: 10 min return

Time: 5-6 hr return Distance: 24 km return

Remember to tape your feet

Marker Bay walk

Mackenzie Basin

Time: 20 min return / Distance: 1 km

Mackenzie Basin routes

Ruataniwha Conservation Park - Parsons Creek / Freehold Creek bush line to Dumb-bell Lake

Time: 3 hr

Time: 2 hr 30 min

Temple Valley Amenity Area to North Temple Cirque

Ruataniwha Conservation Park - Mackenzie Basin

Time: 2 hr 30 min

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Mackenzie Basin routes

Ruataniwha Conservation Park - Maitland Hut to Snowy Gorge Hut

Time: 3 hr

Mackenzie Basin routes

Ruataniwha Conservation Park - North Huxley - Brodrick Hut to Brodrick Pass

Brodrick Hut – Brodrick Pass

Have a good one

Darts Bush stream circuit track

Ruataniwha Conservation Park, Mackenzie Basin

Time: 5 hr loop / Distance: 21 km

Parsons Creek to Freehold Creek bushline track

Ruataniwha Conservation Park, Mackenzie Basin

Time: 2 hr one way

Dusky Trail track

Ruataniwha Conservation Park, Mackenzie Basin

Distance: 23 km

Time: 1hr 30 min return / Distance: 7 km

Ben Ohau track

Ruataniwha Conservation Park - Mackenzie Basin

Time: 4 to 5 hr return / Distance: 5 km, / 810 m vertical