Hopkins Valley Track

Hopkins Valley Track

Mackenzie Basin


Hopkins Valley Track

Remember to tape your feet

Ram Hill – Monument Hut

Time: 2 hr
Monument Hut – Red Hut

Time: 2 hr
Red Hut – Dasler Biv

Time: 3 hr
Monument Hut – Elcho Hut

Time: 4 hr
Elcho Hut – Cullers Hut

Time: 30 min
Cullers Hut – Dodger Hut

Time: 2 hr
Dodger Hut – Erceg Hut

Time: 3 hr
Erceg Hut – Richardson Biv

Time: 1 hr

The main access route into the Hopkins area is via Lake Ohau Road where there is a car park area at Ram Hill.

From Ram Hill, 4WD vehicles are essential as the track deteriorates on the journey into Monument Hut. The track travels to Monument Hut, crosses the Hopkins River over to Red Hut and then continues on the true left of the Hopkins valley. Vehicle use terminates at Elcho Hut.

The Hopkins River crossings can be dangerous in high river flows, with soft sand deposits evident after floods. Check fords before entry.
Hopkins – Elcho Stream

Time: 2 hr

From the North Elcho Stream bush line, trampers can climb up to Elcho Pass and descend into Landsborough valley. An alternative return trip is via McKenzie Creek to Brodrick Pass in the North Huxley valley.

Getting there

The Mackenzie Basin is situated in the centre of New Zealand's South Island. It features mountains, lakes, rivers, beech forest remnants and rolling tussock country.

All of the tramping tracks described here involve travel through mountain or silver beech forest.


Feature Value Info


DOC Canterbury

Central government organisation


South IslandMount Cook - MacKenzieTwizel


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
