Benmore Range access track

Benmore Range access track

Access to Benmore Range Conservation Area

1 Rankers Review

1 Walking

1 Twizel


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Benmore Range access track

Time: 7 hr return, Distance: 17 km return, 800 m vertical

This track starts near the Wairepo Arm recreational area approximately 5.5 km south of Twizel, and is signposted on the eastern side when travelling south along SH 8. The track is an access easement to the Benmore Range Conservation Area. The easement crosses a stile and follows a boundary fence directly uphill and along the top of the range to public conservation land. Users are asked to keep to the marked easement on the southern side of the boundary fence (right-hand side of the fence walking up the easement). This is a steep walk along old sheep tracks beside the fence line. About 2 km along the easement walkers get fantastic views looking down upon Lake Ruataniwha, Twizel and the mountains beyond.

To walk to point 1672 metres at the top of Benmore Range Conservation Area takes a full day (8 – 9 hours). The New Zealand falcon/kārearea, sky lark, chukor, California quail and the New Zealand pipit/pihoihoi can all be found in the conservation area, as well as the common skink and gecko/mokomoko.

Getting there

The walking-only access easement to the Benmore Range Conservation Area is signposted at the northern boundary of Glenbrook Station, near the southern access road to the Wairepo Arm recreational area.


Feature Value Info


DOC Canterbury

Central government organisation


South IslandMount Cook - MacKenzieTwizel


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free


To Coordinates







  • 5.0/5

    Do early as it gets really hot and it's quite steep up to the top but great views of the lakes and only 1 hr round trip.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in February 2010