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57 items with the highest ranking score first, showing page 2 of 3.
28 Reviews
A peaceful retreat at Waihi Beach
1 Review
11 km return | 5 hours return
Time: 5 - 6 days, Distance: 82 km approximately
4 Reviews
Freedom camping is restricted to designated carparks and the directly adjacent grass area. 2 nights maximum Self-contained vehicles only...
46 Reviews
11 Face-to-Face
Dickey Flat Camping Ground is a large camp site located next to the Waitawheta River. There are heaps of walks to do in this area as well as some...
10 Reviews
Campervan and motorhome free camping spot at Tanners Reserve
There is a 3 night maximum stay in any 4 week consecutive period at this site. The 4 consecutive weeks begin from the first overnight stay.
All the great camping sites on your iPhone™, iPad™ or Android™ phone or tablet. Avoid camping penalties using this council approved app. Featuring offline maps.
2 Reviews
Freedom camping is restricted to self-contained vehicles and to designated carparks. 2 nights maximum Self-contained vehicles only
It was the largest quartz ore processing plant in Australasia and one of the biggest industrial sites in New Zealand in the early 1900’s. Then...
no Reviews
approx 8 km return | 4 hours 30 minutes return
Freedom camping is restricted to designated carparks. 2 nights maximum Self-contained vehicles only
Tap at 152 Normanby Rd, Paeroa 3600