Te Awaiti Camping Area

Te Awaiti Camping Area

2 Rankers Reviews

10 Martinborough



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Te Awaiti Camping Area

Camp in this remote beach location within signposted areas for a maximum of 21 days.

WARNING - this campsite is open to overnight camping "at your own risk". The Council has put up signs warning campers of the risk of flooding in the areas, which are low-lying and close to both the sea and a river mouth. The rivers can rise rapidly and the area is also prone to storm surges. There is no alarm system so to mitigate the risk, campers are advised to keep an eye on the Council social media pages (Facebook and Instagram, where warnings will be published if MetService alerts the Council of risky conditions. MetService's heavy swell warnings service is also recommended.


Feature Value Info


South Wairarapa District Council

Council organisation


North IslandWairarapaMartinborough


  • Activity__basic_facility_campingBasic Camping
  • Free


To Coordinates







  • 3.5/5

    Free campsite, relatively remote and drive includes roughly 20 minutes of gravel road on the journey here, a little narrow and hairy in some places but easily doable with 2WD.

    Offers a long drop toilet but no running water. Also has donation box. Good area for fishing, safer option in comparison of campgrounds in the Tora area for families, the flattest and most sheltered area in Tora but also the busiest. Can get busy over Summer holidays and long weekends, but barely anyone camping during the week. Notably no dogs allowed but many people ignore this rule.

    Reviewed over 1 year ago

  • 3.0/5

    Very very windy and pretty busy when we got there so didnt actually stay but looked like nice beach to swim.

    No water, toilet.

    Not massive area to camp and no where really to get privacy

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2020