Omaru Falls track

Omaru Falls track

4 Rankers Reviews

1 Walking

5 Te Kuiti


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Omaru Falls


Omaru Falls track

Time: 1 hr return

A cheeky little walk across a mixture of farmland and mature native bush to a waterfall of a decent height.


Feature Value Info


DOC Waikato

Central government organisation


North IslandWaikatoTe Kuiti


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free


To Coordinates







    • This walk is a little like the ugly duckling.
    • Nice bush walk with spectacular falls.
    • Beautiful 45 meter falls.
    • So cool how these falls are found.
    Rating Count Percentage
    10/10 3
    9/10 0
    8/10 0
    7/10 0
    6/10 1
    5/10 0
    4/10 0
    3/10 0
    2/10 0
    1/10 0
  • 5.0/5

    Beautiful 45 meter falls.

    Climb over style to track. Please note Mapiu Stream has been fenced off and riparian strip planted by farmer. Walk through reminate native bush along rivers egde. The river is often brown in colour this reflects the young age of the river as it continues to scour/erode its way to the ocean - a natural process. Rivers formed before the last ice age are generally clear because glaciers have scoured then back to bed rock this river has not had the beniefit of an ice age. Continue through the native bush listening to the sound of our natve birds like tui,fantail, native pigeon. The swing bridge is a delight. Track then passes through farmland that has been fenced and planted by local farmers. The track winds past some QE2 reserve (private owned property set aside by farmer to enhance and protect). The main fall is spectacular in height not to be confused by the few small drops. Thanks to our great team form Doc and local farmers this walk should be enjoyable experience for all. Please note walk starts at Doc car park well sign posted and not at the end of the private road as Google maps suggests. You got it wrong again Google Maps! The track over wet season can be a little muddy due to high use and wet conditions. Farm animals are fenced off from the track, a few wild goats may enter and although a pest they are not harmful to humans.

    Reviewed over 5 years ago

  • 3.0/5

    This walk is a little like the ugly duckling.

    I'll set the scene.... the walk starts on farmland, following a muddy looking river. You soon enter some stunning native bush which looks like has never been cleared. Then some more walking through scrubby areas before getting to a lookout where the ugly duckling becomes more of a swan. I've given it a 6 as there's better waterfalls in NZ and the river is of the brown variety that's unfortunately so prevalent in the Waikato area. Plus I'm picky when it comes to clear water. But it's a great waterfall and you're also likely to experience this without many people around, which is another big plus. I'd personally take an experience like this over crowded moments by a more spectacular outlook.

    Reviewed almost 7 years ago

  • 5.0/5

    So cool how these falls are found.

    So make sure you pull over at the sign and don't keep follow the path up, it's private property owned by a lovely man, he'll happily point you back. Don't be put off by no obvious track! They have built wooden stations to help you jump two fences, then follow the fence around you'll see another sign then a small track going into the bush, full steam ahead! It's only 30 mins and it amazing the whole way. There's a sneaky bridge, watch out for fallen trees but it's all an adventure. Also keep your eye out we had four beautiful billy goats lead us the way!

    Reviewed over 8 years ago

  • 5.0/5

    Nice bush walk with spectacular falls.

    Reviewed almost 15 years ago and experienced in January 2010