Waihora Lagoon Track

Waihora Lagoon Track

Pureora Forest Park

2 Rankers Reviews

1 Walking

7 Te Kuiti


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Waihora Lagoon after the rain
Mature native forest at Waihora Lagoon


Waihora Lagoon Track

Time: 10 min one way

From SH 32 turn onto Waihora Rd and travel approximately 3 km on a gravel road before turning left into the Waihora Lagoon carpark. The lagoon, 10 minutes walk from the carpark, is one of the most beautiful spots in the park, surrounded by tall rimu and kahikatea.

Its a bit of a drive to get to the Waihora Lagoon, but its well worth it. It seems as if you have to travel through private land (which you do - but you can), the road can be quite rutted out especially after rain. Drive and drive until you get to a the carpark. The walk to the lagoon is very well graded and you are quickly surrounded by amazing mature native forest. Stick to the board walk and don't go splashing around in the lagoon as there are some very delicate plant species that reside in its waters. You might also spot a hobbit......


Feature Value Info


DOC Waikato

Central government organisation


North IslandWaikatoTe Kuiti


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free


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  • 4.5/5

    What a beautiful place.

    I went there end of October.

    The 7k road in, is a bit of a farm track with potholes etc, but I managed in a wee Mazda hatch without too may problems, I just took it slowly.

    The track from the carpark is excellent and the small jetty at the end has two seats to sit and admire the most amazing lagoon. I felt like I had stepped back in time. As I was there, I meet two guys who were working and looking at the dating of trees in the area, they were lovely and bothered to find me a sample of a tree they were discussing, so I got a bit more info while I was there. Well worth the drive in, just take it easy as it's not totally a two lane road.

    Reviewed over 7 years ago

  • 4.5/5

    What an amazing experience...

    walking down the track towards the lagoon take the time to stop and listen... something like a chainsaw maybe? But no it's the frogs... utterly amazing and what a fascinating place. Well worth sitting quietly at the viewing platform and waiting for the frogs to work their way back up to full volume! The Lagoon itself is amazing as it has no inlet or outlet.....the whole ecosystem allows for the purest of water therefore allowing the Golden Bell Frogs to survive. Check out the whole of the park - search on Pureora Forest Park there are amazing amount of walks and bike rides...enjoy!

    Reviewed about 13 years ago