Te Kuri Farm Walkway

Te Kuri Farm Walkway

1 Rankers Review

1 Walking

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Marios Gavalas

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Te Kuri Farm Walkway

5.6 km return | 3 hours return

The highlight of the walkway is undoubtedly the Town Hill Lookout. This clear vantage point allows unique views of Kaiti Hill and Gisborne in the foreground. The arc of Waikanae Beach recedes past the Waipaoa River Mouth to Young Nicks Head. Mahia Peninsula is a misty pimple on the horizon.

Walking Track


This loop track crosses private farmland and is closed for lambing between 1st August and the start of Labour Weekend.


From central Gisborne follow Ormond Road and turn right into Ballance Street, from where Te Kuri Walkway is signposted. After 1.5 km turn right into Shelley Road and the large parking area at the start of the walkway is a further 1.5 km.


The track is marked with orange triangles on yellow posts. The exposed clay can be very slippery and sticky after periods of rain and in summer the open hillsides can be scorching. Come prepared for the conditions.

This description follows the loop anticlockwise. Pass the farm sheds to the junction, head right and follow the track as it climbs steadily over the bulldozed farm tracks. Views over Poverty Bay become increasingly expansive with the gain in altitude. After passing through a forested area near the summit of the ridge, there is a short detour to the Town Hill Lookout (290 m).

This is the prized vantage point of the walk and commands uninterrupted views over Poverty Bay and the inland agricultural and viticulture areas. Young Nicks Head is the nearest exposed headland and points seaward providing the foreground to Mahia Peninsula in the distance. A photo with prominent landmarks is placed with a bench and a plaque celebrating 107 Whataupoko Trig.

The descent passes through a large fenced area of native and exotic forest. This is the steepest section of the track and if it has been raining recently, you may consider attempting the walk clockwise to lessen the chances of slipping. There is however a confetti of leaf litter to aid grip.

A short stepped climb on exiting the forest brings you to just above the junction at the start of the track near the carpark.


The forest remnant contains coastal trees such as kohekohe and puriri with sporadic kanuka providing shade on otherwise bare pasture.


Feature Value Info


DOC East Coast

Central government organisation


North IslandTairāwhiti GisborneGisborne


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  • 4.0/5

    The walk and the view is excellent.

    The bird life fantastic. The entrance way could be better sign posted though pointing out the 2 directions you can take. I found it quite confusing as it was my first time on the track but iot wioll not be the last

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2011