Heritage Attractions

AttractionsArt & Culture Attractions

Heritage Attractions

48 items with the highest ranking score first, showing page 2 of 2.

Everything works and all visitors will see gold being made!

South IslandNelson Region

It was the largest quartz ore processing plant in Australasia and one of the biggest industrial sites in New Zealand in the early 1900’s. Then...

South IslandCoastal Otago

North IslandHawkes Bay

Church at Waipiro Bay beach

North IslandTairāwhiti Gisborne

Take the 6km drive down to the coast and one of the most scenic of all the isolated coastal settlements. Once a vibrant town with a movie theatre...

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The general store

A living museum of the Fencible period 1840-1880 in Auckland, New Zealand

South IslandCoastal Otago

North IslandNorthland

South IslandCanterbury

North IslandAuckland Region

North IslandTairāwhiti Gisborne

One of the most photographed places on the East Cape. A century-old Anglican church stands on a promontory beside the ocean. You can’t miss this...

Changing exhibitions of regional history, arts, and a historical cottage and ship to explore.