Coastal Otago

South Island

Coastal Otago

An oddity that works. The Scots did their best to tame the beast but wildlife still prevails. Get a hip flask of whisky, a kilt and stride the coast with purpose.

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242 items with the highest ranking score first, showing page 10 of 13.

Tap at 337-339 George St, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand

Parking is not available here on Saturday mornings as the farmers market is held here

  • Activity__lpg_bottle_stationsLPG Stations

Tap at 192 Princes St, Dunedin, 9016

Tap at 110 Princes St, Dunedin, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand

Tap at 7 Balmacewen Rd, Maori Hill, Dunedin 9010, New Zealand

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Tap at 538a Great King St, North Dunedin, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand

Time: 2 hr return, Distance: 5 km

  • Activity__petrol_stationsFuel Stations

Ride the Otago Peninsula 'No Sweat'. Electric bike hire. Bookings can be emailed to or

  • Activity__dump_stationDump Station
  • Activity__petrol_stationsFuel Stations

Z Valley


  • Activity__supermarketsSupermarkets
  • Activity__petrol_stationsFuel Stations

Roof height is only 3.4m high so not great for extra tall campers!

Tap at 97 Stuart St, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand