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Carterton, Wairarapa
Camping near Carterton
North Island ▷ Wairarapa ▷ Carterton
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Water Supply
Is there fresh water available?
Water supply available
A supply of fresh water is available.
Dump Station
Dump stations allow the safe disposal of sewage and greywater from self-contained vehicles. Does this site have a dump station?
Dump station available
There is a dump station available at this location for the safe emptying and disposal of waste water from recreational vehicles.
Wairarapa ▷ Carterton
Waiohine Gorge Campsite
Gladstone Reserve
Wairarapa ▷ Featherston
Bucks Road Campsite
Corner Creek Campsite
Lake Domain Reserve
Card Reserve, Featherston
Wairarapa ▷ Martinborough
North Tora Camping Area
Wairarapa ▷ Masterton
Castlepoint Carpark
Kiriwhakapapa Campsite