Anaura Bay Campsite

Anaura Bay Campsite

Anaura Bay Scenic Reserve




Anaura Bay Recreation Reserve
Anaura Bay


Anaura Bay Campsite

Camp next to a beautiful beach and alongside a stream. The site is surrounded by forest and coastal bush. You must provide your own chemical toilet at this site.

A huge campsite right next to a beautiful beach and a stream. The Anaura Bay Camping Ground is really popular during the summer months and it is only open from Labour Weekend through until Easter. Dump station facilities are only provided between December and February. Toilets are not provided so please bring your own chemical toilets.

Booking: Required.

A wicked place for all water sports and bush walking.

DOC Campsite Pricing

Anaura Bay Campsite is categorised as a DOC Standard Campsite. The following pricing indicates usual pricing. Prices vary for some campsites and may include seasonal pricing. Visit the DOC website for exact pricing.

DOC Standard Campsite

Standard campsites have a more limited range of facilities and services than Serviced campsites. These campsites have toilets, a water supply that could be treated or untreated tap water, or from a stream or lake, and vehicle or boat access. Bring your own soap for washing hands. Untreated water should be boiled before use to ensure it's safe. Wood BBQs and fireplaces, cold showers, picnic tables, a cooking shelter and rubbish bins may be provided; this will vary from site to site.

Feature Value Value
Unpowered Site Adult $10.00 to $15.00 per night
Unpowered Site Child $5.00 to $7.50 per night
Unpowered Site Infant $0.00 per night

Adults are 18+ years, children are 5-17 years, infants are 0-4 years.


Feature Value Info


DOC East Coast

Central government organisation


North IslandTairāwhiti GisborneTokomaru Bay


  • Activity__freedom_campingFreedom Camping

Operating Season And Hours

Not Operating


To Coordinates







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    • Was here in October.
    • Lovely setting.
    • Very basic campground but in a lovely setting.
    • Nice flat campground.
    • Beautiful place direct on the beach.
    Rating Count Percentage
    10/10 2
    9/10 4
    8/10 1
    7/10 1
    6/10 1
    5/10 0
    4/10 0
    3/10 0
    2/10 0
    1/10 0
  • 5.0/5

    Water was available, just not drinking water!

    Doc campground

    Lovely quiet campground, right on safe beach, no toilet you need chemical loo

    Dogs allowed on lead, and off lead on beach

    Off the grid type camping

    Doc lady was very pleasant, and you need to show you have a chemical loo and vax pass

    Would highly recommend this camp ground

    For peace and quiet!!

    Reviewed about 3 years ago

  • 4.5/5

    Great doc camp, make sure you bring your portaloo they do have running water available.

    beautiful white sand beach an absolutely beautiful untouched part of New Zealand

    Reviewed about 5 years ago

  • 3.5/5

    Nice flat campground.

    Went fishing on the beach and caught some salmon and mullet. Only one other camper there and it was the end of November. No toilets. The trees in the pictures have grown up quite high so not really any water views but they give good protection from bad weather.

    Reviewed about 8 years ago

  • 4.5/5

    Was here in October.

    Very nice people. Hot shower without time restriction. Toilet, power, nice kitchen, can do a fire on the beach. Nice view.

    Reviewed about 8 years ago

  • 4.0/5

    Beautiful beach camp, and only a small charge per night.

    Rubbish collection 3 times per weeks, good swimming, no toilets.

    Reviewed over 10 years ago and experienced in February 2014

  • 4.5/5

    Very basic campground but in a lovely setting.

    Just beautiful.

    Reviewed over 10 years ago and experienced in February 2014

  • 4.5/5

    Cramped in peak season, but a great spot next to a great beach.

    We didn't stay the night, but are keen to stay another time outside of the Christmas seasoin

    Reviewed about 11 years ago

  • 5.0/5

    Beautiful place direct on the beach.

    Welcome for a swim in the morning - you must be self-contained.

    Reviewed about 12 years ago and experienced in December 2012

  • 5.0/5

    Water was available, just not drinking water!

    Doc campground

    Lovely quiet campground, right on safe beach, no toilet you need chemical loo

    Dogs allowed on lead, and off lead on beach

    Off the grid type camping

    Doc lady was very pleasant, and you need to show you have a chemical loo and vax pass

    Would highly recommend this camp ground

    For peace and quiet!!

    Reviewed about 3 years ago

  • 4.5/5

    Great doc camp, make sure you bring your portaloo they do have running water available.

    beautiful white sand beach an absolutely beautiful untouched part of New Zealand

    Reviewed about 5 years ago

  • 3.5/5

    Nice flat campground.

    Went fishing on the beach and caught some salmon and mullet. Only one other camper there and it was the end of November. No toilets. The trees in the pictures have grown up quite high so not really any water views but they give good protection from bad weather.

    Reviewed about 8 years ago

  • 4.5/5

    Was here in October.

    Very nice people. Hot shower without time restriction. Toilet, power, nice kitchen, can do a fire on the beach. Nice view.

    Reviewed about 8 years ago

  • 3.0/5

    Lovely setting.

    Very cramped in peak season. Facilities are old and in serious need of upgrading. Water pressure in showers is non-existent. Management very pleasant and hospitable.

    Reviewed about 10 years ago

  • 4.0/5

    Beautiful beach camp, and only a small charge per night.

    Rubbish collection 3 times per weeks, good swimming, no toilets.

    Reviewed over 10 years ago and experienced in February 2014

  • 4.5/5

    Very basic campground but in a lovely setting.

    Just beautiful.

    Reviewed over 10 years ago and experienced in February 2014

  • 4.5/5

    Cramped in peak season, but a great spot next to a great beach.

    We didn't stay the night, but are keen to stay another time outside of the Christmas seasoin

    Reviewed about 11 years ago

  • 5.0/5

    Beautiful place direct on the beach.

    Welcome for a swim in the morning - you must be self-contained.

    Reviewed about 12 years ago and experienced in December 2012