Harataonga Campsite

Harataonga Campsite

Great Barrier Island/Aotea

2 Rankers Reviews

18 Basic Camping

1 Great Barrier Island




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Harataonga Camping Ground


Harataonga Campsite

A sheltered campground close to Harataonga Beach for snorkeling and swimming, and the Harataonga coastal walkway.

You cover alot of gravel road to get here, including a winding entry into the bay, but this campsite is nestled in a fantastic location. The white sand Harataonga beach is only a hop, skip and a jump away.
Great Barrier Island free of rats, mustalids, hedgehogs and possums, but has ship rats and mice. Argentine ants are also not welcome - please check your gear, boats, kayaks for these pests and destroy any ants you find. Kauri dieback disease is present. Keep to the defined tracks, clean your footwear before and after visiting kauri forest areas, and stay away from kauri tree roots.

DOC Campsite Pricing

Harataonga Campsite is categorised as a DOC Standard Campsite. The following pricing indicates usual pricing. Prices vary for some campsites and may include seasonal pricing. Visit the DOC website for exact pricing.

DOC Standard Campsite

Standard campsites have a more limited range of facilities and services than Serviced campsites. These campsites have toilets, a water supply that could be treated or untreated tap water, or from a stream or lake, and vehicle or boat access. Bring your own soap for washing hands. Untreated water should be boiled before use to ensure it's safe. Wood BBQs and fireplaces, cold showers, picnic tables, a cooking shelter and rubbish bins may be provided; this will vary from site to site.

Feature Value Value
Unpowered Site Adult $10.00 to $15.00 per night
Unpowered Site Child $5.00 to $7.50 per night
Unpowered Site Infant $0.00 per night

Adults are 18+ years, children are 5-17 years, infants are 0-4 years.


Feature Value Info


DOC Auckland

Central government organisation


North IslandAuckland RegionGreat Barrier Island


  • Activity__basic_facility_campingBasic Camping


To Coordinates







  • 5.0/5

    Absolutely fantastic doc camp-ground.

    Lovely stream with ducks right outside your tent. Short walk to the beach and located at the start of the picturesque coastal walk.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2014

  • 5.0/5

    Back to basic on this fabulous DOC site.

    A 2.5 km dirt road leads us to a beautiful campground, close to an amazing beach. The only sound we hear are the birds and the waves in the far distance. The limited facilities are clean and we probable picked the best place, with views to the bay.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2014