Akapoua Bay Campsite

Akapoua Bay Campsite

Port Fitzroy

1 Rankers Review

4 Great Barrier Island




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Akapoua Bay - Great Barrier Island


Akapoua Bay Campsite

A popular family camping area near the sheltered waters of Port FitzRoy, with easy access to many of the island's walking tracks.

Akapoua Bay on Great Barrier Island is a top place to camp in a sheltered bay amongst pohutukawa trees. The DOC Field Centre is next door and a shop just up the road. There are some great day walks to do to the kauri dam. Primo fishing, swimming and kayaking in the harbour. There is a large sheltered cooking area to create culinary feasts. Or venture to nearby Fitzroy Fishing Club - good honest beer and food and locals aren't shy for a yarn, so you'll get to know the place. Good livin!

DOC Campsite Pricing

Akapoua Bay Campsite is categorised as a DOC Standard Campsite. The following pricing indicates usual pricing. Prices vary for some campsites and may include seasonal pricing. Visit the DOC website for exact pricing.

DOC Standard Campsite

Standard campsites have a more limited range of facilities and services than Serviced campsites. These campsites have toilets, a water supply that could be treated or untreated tap water, or from a stream or lake, and vehicle or boat access. Bring your own soap for washing hands. Untreated water should be boiled before use to ensure it's safe. Wood BBQs and fireplaces, cold showers, picnic tables, a cooking shelter and rubbish bins may be provided; this will vary from site to site.

Feature Value Value
Unpowered Site Adult $10.00 to $15.00 per night
Unpowered Site Child $5.00 to $7.50 per night
Unpowered Site Infant $0.00 per night

Adults are 18+ years, children are 5-17 years, infants are 0-4 years.


Feature Value Info


DOC Auckland

Central government organisation


North IslandAuckland RegionGreat Barrier Island


  • Activity__basic_facility_campingBasic Camping


To Coordinates







  • 4.5/5

    Nestled in the shelter of Fiztroy.

    Easy access point to the walks up to Mt Hobson and Coppers Castle, plus the many walks to the south of the island. Good place to take shelter if the weather isn't great. Swimming is OK - but not the best on the island by any means. Only go at high tide and make sure you wear your shoes. Nearby fishing club is worth a visit for a the locals alone.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in April 2018