9 Rankers Reviews
10 Kaitaia
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Power supply available. Cold shower and plumbed toilet.
What number of people can this accommodation sleep?
6 People
Six people can sleep overnight in this accommodation.
5 People
Five people can sleep overnight in this accommodation.
4 People
Four people can sleep overnight in this accommodation.
3 People
Three people can sleep overnight in this accommodation.
2 People
Two people can sleep overnight in this accommodation.
1 Person
Only one person can sleep overnight in this accommodation.
WiFi Internet
What type of WiFi internet access is available?
No WiFi
There is no WiFi access available.
Kitchen Facilities
What type of kitchen facilities are provided with the accommodation option?
No kitchen
There are no kitchen facilities provided with the accommodation.
BBQ Facility
What BBQ facilities are provided?
No Barbecue
BBQs are not available
The are no BBQ facilities provided with the accommodation.
Bathroom Facility
What type of bathroom facilities are provided with the accommodation option?
Private toilet only
No bathing facilities
The accommodation provides a private toilet but no bathing (shower/bath) facilities. This is not shared with other guests.
What type of lounge facilities are provided with the accommodation option?
No lounge
There is no lounge included with the accommodation.
Laundry Facility
What type of laundry facilities are provided with the accommodation option?
No laundry
There is no laundry facilities available.