
ActivitiesLand Activities

Walking and Trekking

Walking and trekking the tracks throughout New Zealand is top of the to-do list for many travellers to New Zealand. From gentle, scenic short walks to multi-day adventures, experience Aotearoa on foot and immerse yourself in the bush, beach and wilderness you came to see.

1538 items with the highest ranking score first, showing page 31 of 52.

South IslandCanterbury

Time: 3 days

North IslandNorthland

Time: 2 - 3 hr

North IslandNorthland

Te Haua Uru Track

Tangihua Forest

Time: 3 hr 45 min to junction Distance: 4 km

South IslandCanterbury

Cockayne Nature Walk

Arthur's Pass

Time: 30 min return

South IslandCanterbury

Time: 5 hr one way

South IslandMount Cook - MacKenzie

Melina Ridge Track

Melina Ridge

Time: 8–10 hr / Distance: 35 km Mountain bike Grade: 5 expert

Time: 2 days return

South IslandCanterbury

Old Coach Road walk

Arthur's Pass

Time: 30 min return

Time: 3 - 4 days

South IslandCanterbury

Arthur's Pass: Carrington Hut

Waimakariri Col - Otira route

Time: 2 - 3 days

South IslandCanterbury

Otira Valley track

Arthur's Pass

Time: 2 hr return to the footbridge (unmarked route beyond)

North IslandNorthland

Tohumoana Lookout Track

Kaituna Peninsula, Mimiwhangata Coastal Park. Mimiwhangata Coastal Park

Time: 1 hr 30 min - 2 hr return Distance: 4 km

South IslandCanterbury

Time: 3 - 4 hr return to bushline

South IslandCanterbury

Time: 1 - 2 hr one way

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South IslandCanterbury

Time: 2 - 3 days

South IslandCanterbury

Arthur's Pass: Casey Saddle

Binser Saddle route

Time: 2 days

South IslandMount Cook - MacKenzie

Looking down the Avon Burn. Avon Burn Time: 3–4 hr / Distance: 9 km Mountain bike Grade: 2 easy Time: 1–2 hr

South IslandCanterbury

Arthur's Pass: Mingha

Deception route

Time: 2 - 3 days

South IslandMount Cook - MacKenzie

Parsons Creek to Freehold Creek bushline track

Ruataniwha Conservation Park, Mackenzie Basin

Time: 2 hr one way

South IslandCanterbury

Time: 3 - 4 hr return to bushline

South IslandCanterbury

Camp Saddle to Lyndon Saddle track

Craigieburn Forest Park

Craigieburn Forest Park tramping tracks

Time: 4-5 days

Time: 3 - 4 days

Time: 20 min Distance: 1 km

North IslandNorthland

Time - 3 to 3.5 hours

Time: 4 - 5 days

South IslandMount Cook - MacKenzie

Dusky Trail track

Ruataniwha Conservation Park, Mackenzie Basin

Distance: 23 km

South IslandMount Cook - MacKenzie

Pukaki Flats track

Mackenzie Basin

Time: 2 hr 30 min (to Pukaki River return) Distance: 10 km

North IslandNorthland

approx 11 km return | 3 ¼ hours return

North IslandNorthland

Arai te Uru Heritage Walk

Arai Te Uru Recreational Reserve

approx 800 m return | 15 minutes return