Countdown Masterton

Countdown Masterton


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Countdown Masterton

Commercial organisation


North IslandWairarapaMasterton


  • Activity__supermarketsSupermarkets


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  • 2.5/5

    Went to Countdown again and must say put of inconvenence I will not be going back.

    This was the second time iv been asked for ID for Alcohol. I have never been asked for ID during my whole life. Iv traveled the world and still every country iv been to have never been asked. Iv not long moved back to NZ after 20 years and twice thw samw women has asked me. Problem they won't accept my ID as it's an Australia drivers licence. Means i have to take my passport just for countdown.

    This leads me to believe she doesnt take the time to look at her customers. Iv never been told i look a lot younger than my age. Shes either on a power trip or needs to get her eyesight checked out. Also she needs to be re trained.

    Also the lady who served me was rolling her eyes. I mentioned you have served me alcohol before with no issues. So i don't need another lecture from someone who clearly didn't care.

    It frustrates me this happening. Its convenient getting a bottle of wine at the supermarket rather than making another stop. Ill be taking this further and hope that next time thw manager with thw short hair and glasses looks twice before asking. Its very insulting.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2019

    Peeved off's avatar

    Peeved off
