Countdown Greenlane

Countdown Greenlane



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Countdown Greenlane

Commercial organisation


North IslandAuckland RegionAuckland


  • Activity__supermarketsSupermarkets


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  • 2.0/5

    The old staff are very arrogant I had bought a sardine tin & asked sunita at 1520hrs on 27 June about the expiration date she said we don’t sell this item I then went to the section & brought another tin

    & showed her that they do sell it & I’ve been shopping at this store since 1997 infact my daughters used to work at this store 25 yrs back she then refunded me $1.70 cash but never gave a receipt for the return a very unhealthy practice

    Reviewed over 2 years ago

  • 2.5/5

    After getting my regular medication scripts through Countdown Greenlane Pharmacy the staff started pushing me around a bit.

    I get three different medications for the same amount of time (three) months and they expect me to come in every month to be drip-fed my supply. My last pharmacy had no problem giving me the lot for convenience to save all the counter visits. Now they have started to expect me to pick different medications up at different times. This is a new one. I feel that it is a newly appointed person who doesn't handle authority too well and likes to exercise rules just because they can. I am a working professional who takes my medication accordingly and has more important things to do other than visit their counter every two weeks of the year. When a lockdown is over I will look at changing pharmacies and getting my groceries elsewhere. What was a convenience has now become a pain in the butt.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago

    Karen Ferguson's avatar

    Karen Ferguson
