NPD Fox Glacier Motors Limited

NPD Fox Glacier Motors Limited

Fox Glacier


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NPD Fox Glacier Motors Limited

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South IslandWest CoastFox Glacier


  • Activity__petrol_stationsFuel Stations


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  • 0.5/5

    I cannot believe I am actually having to write this review.

    We have NEVER met anyone so unreasonably rude in our lives.

    We were at this gas station at around 7:20 am. We were attempting to pay at the pump but the system requires a pin which our credit card doesn’t have - the safety feature is a signature (this is very common for american credit cards). As we struggle this older gentleman comes and starts unlocking the store. My husband asked him whether he was opening up to which he smirked, looked at his watch and said: Maybe?

    We ignored this thinking maybe he is joking despite his unfriendly attitude but what followed was just unacceptable. When we explained the issue with the card he just said you lazy Americans don’t even know how to use a pin code on a card? He refused to help us in any capacity and chose to insult us instead for absolutely no reason.

    My husband being the kind man he is just got in the car and drove off as we worried about the gas for the next hour which is how long it took to get to the nearest gas station.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in March 2020

    John's avatar

