Z Brougham Street

Z Brougham Street



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Z Brougham Street

Commercial organisation


South IslandCanterburyChristchurch


  • Activity__petrol_stationsFuel Stations


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  • 5.0/5

    Oh boy oh my, I was one hungry, tired lad with a hankering for something hot and tasty.

    But I was beginning to wear thin, I was losing hope. On a night like this, at 11:20pm on New years Day, most places had closed... And being a vegan, my dietary requirements limited me greatly. As I drove along Brougham Street, energy draining out of me, my eyes suddenly caught on this bright, glowing form in the shape of a Z... The shimmering halo of an Angel. The Brougham Street Z petrol station. My partner in crime, India, sat next to me in the passenger seat, brewing with her own desire for a sweet treat of some sour patch kids. She turned to me, and sung the sweet words of Heaven itself. "Z do vegan pies". Never have I felt such a pure feeling of nerves and excitement, so many questions bubbling to the surface of my mind. "Will they have them in stock?", "What options could they have?" "Will they be reasonably priced?". As India and I rushed out of the car and stepped through the automatic doors, my prayers were so suddenly answered. A vege korma vegan pie, nestled in the hot cabinet, gently calling out my name... "Joe", the pie whispered softly. As India spread out in search of here goodies, I glided in a dream-like trance toward the cabinet, as warm and comforting as the embrace of my own Mother, the heaters humming away like her beautiful heart. As if hovering above my own body, I saw myself reach out and slide the cabinet door across, and my hands stretching out and seizing hold of the pie. Content. Happiness. Euphoria. I knew this was it, with the precious pastry even yet to touch my lips. Now Indi was at my side. At the counter. Pie purchased. $10, the pie and some sour patch kids to boot. In the car. The sound of crumpling paper fills my ears like a blissful melody as I reveal the pie from its bag. Coming to my lips. Closer... And closer. Contact. Ascension. I have left the physical realm. I am but a spirit, formed of pure joy. My pie and I. Forever.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2018

    Joe Furniss's avatar

    Joe Furniss
