Fishers Track

Fishers Track

NZ Cycle Trail

1 Rankers Review

1 Cycling



It's all well sign posted!
The start of Fishers Track: Mountains to Sea
Crusing down Fishers Tack


Fishers Track

Time: 2-3hrs, Distance: 21km, Cycling Grade: 2

Fishers Track another Central North Island classic. The track starts at the back of National Park (across the railway lines). The ride starts with a bit of an up hill along gravel, after about 4kms it turns into a 4WD track, and basically just ride all the way down. This is a great easy-ish ride to get you into the groove of mountain biking, you can have a pick up at the bottom organised by a local operator. If you are wanting more of a challenge you can ride all the way back up to National Park Village via Raurimu, this does include a 650m height gain and about another 20km. Good luck.


Feature Value Info


DOC Activities

Central government organisation


North IslandRuapehuTongariro / National Park Village


  • Activity__cycling_mountain_bikingCycling
  • Free


To Coordinates







  • 4.0/5

    This track has recently had a massive upgrade due to the development of the NZ Cycle trail.

    We went a little extreme and decided to ride it without a shuttle from the end, so did a round trip from National Park back to National Park. The start of the track is freshly gravelled which is ok but a bit slippery, and gets increasingly better as you hit the track rolling thorugh farmland. At the end of the farm track you ride along really nice country roads for a while and end up at a monument - good place for lunch and to get ready for either a pick up by a local operator, or ride up the relentless hill to Raurimu. Check out the AMAZING driftwood sculpture outside Wades Landing Lodge.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2012