Great Barrier Island Travel

Great Barrier Island Travel

2 Rankers Reviews

1 Shuttle Buses

12 Great Barrier Island



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Great Barrier Island Travel

Commercial organisation


North IslandAuckland RegionGreat Barrier Island


  • OriginalShuttle Buses


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  • 4.5/5

    I just know a little about Great Barrier Island, the only thing I think I know is that this is an island.

    I like traveling, especially where there is a sea and island, the suitable temperature and the blue sea water attract me a lot.

    What is the best way to know an unfamiliar place? Certainly is checking the information on the internet. I see the correlative communication in Wikipedia, and know the travel review that who write after him been there in travel guide this website. Then book the flight ticket in the booking ticket website, just confirm my schedule.

    Great Barrier Island is the biggest and the nearest to sea in the Hauraki Gulf Islands. Its opposite is a lot of cliff and white surf beaches, the west is quiet haven and sandy. This is the most loved place in this island; I can enjoy the tranquility of the sea. Travel in the world website just commented like this:” The Great Barrier Island is the resort of diving, surfing, kayaking, mountain biking, hiking and camping.” It is really true.

    The next day arrive here I went diving. The warm sunshine into the water, I can see a lot of beautiful marine plants and fish, the light is really wonderful thing and take all this special clear and vivid.

    At night I with some friends go to camping. Lay in the tent and look at the stars in the sky, holding a cup of what I like to drink, the sea breeze just blowing, how wonderful it is!

    There are a lot of eat and fun, because of the time, I can’t stay long. But if I have a opportunity to go again, I would like to very much!

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2012

    zhouyaya's avatar



  • 4.0/5


    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2013

    burhan ariyanto's avatar

    burhan ariyanto
