Morrinsville Recreation Ground...

Morrinsville Recreation Ground freedom camping area




Morrinsville Recreation Ground freedom camping area

Self-contained freedom campers can park up at the Morrinsville Recreation Ground

Freedom camping is permitted for certified, self-contained campervans and mo-homes at the the Recreation Ground in Morrinsville, the self-proclaimed 'Cream of the Country'. The overnight area is in the ground's main carpark at the end of Cureton St.
In return the council ask that you obey all signage and dispose of waste in the appropriate manner. Choice!


Feature Value Info


Matamata-Piako District Council

Council organisation


North IslandWaikatoTe Aroha


  • Activity__freedom_campingFreedom Camping
  • Activity__dump_stationDump Station
  • Free


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    ✓ Clean and modern toilets

    ✓ Quiet and not busy

    ✓ Spacious and level parking

    ✓ Close to town and amenities

    ✓ Free parking

    𐄂 Toilets close at night

    𐄂 No overnight signage

    • and 7pm.
    • A bit unromantic place.
    • Great spot.
    • Toilettes propre.
    • We were very satisfied with the whole facility.
    Rating Count Percentage
    10/10 5
    9/10 4
    8/10 1
    7/10 5
    6/10 2
    5/10 1
    4/10 1
    3/10 0
    2/10 0
    1/10 2
  • 4.5/5

    For basically a car park we felt super safe on a Saturday night.

    Nice level spots, a water fountain and probably the nicest toilets I’ve ever seen. Ok some people come and go as it was a Saturday but nothing loud or noisy. Close to town and not far from Hamilton either. Great stop for 1 night - follow @milly0nthem0ve on IG/YT for all things travel

    Reviewed 5 months ago

  • 3.0/5


    The other public toilet in Hamilton is open during the night but 15 mins walking away

    Reviewed 7 months ago

  • 5.0/5

    We were very satisfied with the whole facility.

    There are a lot of pitches, including double ones for large campers. There were only two other cars on the site besides us, which is why it was very quiet. The toilets and garbage cans were cleaned and emptied on the morning of our departure. You can shower and swim in the swimming pool right next to it.

    Reviewed about 1 year ago

  • 4.5/5

    There is no sign indicating you can camp here overnight so I checked the website of the region.

    Normally it's ok.

    Reviewed over 1 year ago

  • 0.5/5

    The camp is not very safe at nigtht, noisy with strange People and probably drug seller.

    The only good thing is the clean toilets but do not worth it.

    Reviewed over 1 year ago

    Don's avatar


  • 5.0/5

    Car park easy to find.

    I used this site as Hamilton had such bad reviews. Fully automated toilets, even the toilet roll dispenser. Disposal with easy access. I suspect the pool and playground make this site busier in the summer.

    Reviewed over 1 year ago

  • 5.0/5

    Great spot.

    Not very busy at all. Convenient and toilets are great and clean

    Reviewed almost 2 years ago

  • 4.0/5

    Toilettes propre.

    Pas de douche.

    Eau potable mais faible débit.

    Possibilité de vidanger ses eaux usées.

    Reviewed about 2 years ago

  • 5.0/5

    Ont follow Google Maps, it will take you to a locked gate.

    Uo to Cureton Rd, there is a campervan sign with the road sign, cant miss it. Great for kids with the park and pools too. Great little spot, excellent clean toilets and dump out facility, friendly locals making you feel welcome.

    Reviewed about 3 years ago

  • 4.5/5

    Great little spot to park for a night or two.

    Toilets clean and seemed to be open all night. Playground super handy, nice bush walk around grounds.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago

  • 5.0/5

    This Freedom Motorhome camping site was great.

    Quiet location with plenty of grassed areas nearby. Short walk to the town centre. The parking site is sealed and level. Toilets are clean and very modern. This site is completely free so thank you to the local council/people for providing this.

    Reviewed about 4 years ago

  • 4.5/5

    Not overly picturesque but for a car park you can still get a nice view, some privacy, have a swim and a shower to support the community, great toilets, friendly locals and the dump station is right there

    too. Perfect camp site when you’re on your way trying to get to your destination and need a great and quiet place to rest your head.

    Be a responsible camper so these facilities continue to be available and locals continue to support it.

    Reviewed about 5 years ago

  • 4.5/5

    For basically a car park we felt super safe on a Saturday night.

    Nice level spots, a water fountain and probably the nicest toilets I’ve ever seen. Ok some people come and go as it was a Saturday but nothing loud or noisy. Close to town and not far from Hamilton either. Great stop for 1 night - follow @milly0nthem0ve on IG/YT for all things travel

    Reviewed 5 months ago

  • 3.0/5


    The other public toilet in Hamilton is open during the night but 15 mins walking away

    Reviewed 7 months ago

  • 5.0/5

    We were very satisfied with the whole facility.

    There are a lot of pitches, including double ones for large campers. There were only two other cars on the site besides us, which is why it was very quiet. The toilets and garbage cans were cleaned and emptied on the morning of our departure. You can shower and swim in the swimming pool right next to it.

    Reviewed about 1 year ago

  • 4.5/5

    There is no sign indicating you can camp here overnight so I checked the website of the region.

    Normally it's ok.

    Reviewed over 1 year ago

  • 0.5/5

    The camp is not very safe at nigtht, noisy with strange People and probably drug seller.

    The only good thing is the clean toilets but do not worth it.

    Reviewed over 1 year ago

    Don's avatar


  • 5.0/5

    Car park easy to find.

    I used this site as Hamilton had such bad reviews. Fully automated toilets, even the toilet roll dispenser. Disposal with easy access. I suspect the pool and playground make this site busier in the summer.

    Reviewed over 1 year ago

  • 3.0/5

    Beaucoup de place pour les vans avec des toilettes propres juste a côté.

    Mais il y a pas mal de passage de voiture et le train est pas loin .

    Pas un spot ouf, ça suffit pour une nuit

    Reviewed over 1 year ago

  • 5.0/5

    Great spot.

    Not very busy at all. Convenient and toilets are great and clean

    Reviewed almost 2 years ago

  • 4.0/5

    Toilettes propre.

    Pas de douche.

    Eau potable mais faible débit.

    Possibilité de vidanger ses eaux usées.

    Reviewed about 2 years ago

  • 5.0/5

    Ont follow Google Maps, it will take you to a locked gate.

    Uo to Cureton Rd, there is a campervan sign with the road sign, cant miss it. Great for kids with the park and pools too. Great little spot, excellent clean toilets and dump out facility, friendly locals making you feel welcome.

    Reviewed about 3 years ago

  • 0.5/5

    Arrived at this location at 9.30pm and the gates were closed and locked.

    Maybe the local council supports freedom camping :(

    Reviewed about 3 years ago

  • 4.5/5

    Great little spot to park for a night or two.

    Toilets clean and seemed to be open all night. Playground super handy, nice bush walk around grounds.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago

  • 5.0/5

    This Freedom Motorhome camping site was great.

    Quiet location with plenty of grassed areas nearby. Short walk to the town centre. The parking site is sealed and level. Toilets are clean and very modern. This site is completely free so thank you to the local council/people for providing this.

    Reviewed about 4 years ago

  • 4.5/5

    Not overly picturesque but for a car park you can still get a nice view, some privacy, have a swim and a shower to support the community, great toilets, friendly locals and the dump station is right there

    too. Perfect camp site when you’re on your way trying to get to your destination and need a great and quiet place to rest your head.

    Be a responsible camper so these facilities continue to be available and locals continue to support it.

    Reviewed about 5 years ago

  • 3.5/5

    A bit unromantic place.

    It a parking area at the end of the village. But huge fields of grass around, good for a walk or some sports. If you need a place to sleep for a night, it’s absolutely ok, the toilets are clean and it is a quite area.

    Reviewed almost 6 years ago

  • 3.5/5

    Make sure you park in the main car park where the toilets are and not down the private road to the right as the gates are locked at night.

    Some noise from the trains but overall a good overnight stop with nice clean toilets.

    Go and have a look at all the painted cows around the town - you can get a map from the iSite centre.

    Reviewed about 6 years ago

  • 3.5/5

    and 7pm.

    Public toilet is open between 7am

    and 7pm.

    Reviewed over 6 years ago

  • 2.0/5

    Nous avons eu beaucoup de mal à trouver l'endroit.

    c'est un parking dans une zone d'activités sportives (piscine, terrain de sport et parc). Il ,y a des toilettes et une dump station. Nous étions les seuls.

    Reviewed over 7 years ago

  • 3.5/5

    Great spot for overnight stays.

    Good clean toilets that talk. Plenty of picnic tables around, play ground for the kids and plenty of space to get out and stretch the legs. Main part of town is close by.

    Reviewed over 7 years ago

  • 3.5/5

    The community has made a great effort to lay on excellent services here.

    Two clean 'singing' toilets (which always make me chuckle), dump station, water, rubbish bins, playground and nearby by swimming pool for a summertime dip. A one stop shop! Also, while driving around town, keep an eye out for the quirky painted cows. There's over 40 of them and each one tells a story.

    Reviewed over 8 years ago

  • 2.5/5

    If you are looking for a one sleep stop.

    Come here! Literally a recreation parking lot with talking bathrooms ..... that was cool. Once you pull in the lot sick to the right and go down private road to give yourself privacy beside the skate park in behind the pool!!

    Reviewed almost 10 years ago