Omokoroa Sportsground

Omokoroa Sportsground

Overnight Campervan Parking

2 Rankers Reviews

5 Omokoroa


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Omokoroa Sportsground

Freedom camping in Omokoroa, 15 minutes north of Tauranga

The good folk at Omokoroa Sportsground allow self-contained motorhomes, campervans and RVs to freedom camp on its grounds on Western Avenue for up to three nights.

There is a 3 night maximum stay in any 4 week consecutive period at this site. The 4 consecutive weeks begin from the first overnight stay.

While not as scenic as some waterside freedom camping areas in Omokoroa, this is a reasonably quiet location and a good spot for some backyard cricket after dinner.


Feature Value Info


Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Council organisation


North IslandBay of PlentyOmokoroa


  • Activity__freedom_campingFreedom Camping
  • Free


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  • 4.0/5

    I travel with a little dog and it was a great place for him to socialise without the risk of hunting native birds.

    However I lost sight of him once and a lady complained to the library, so it is that kind of vibe in this development town. The library staff are great though, wifi is free, doesn't reach to the camping area so I moved closer before my morning meeting. Did a yoga session in the night ($12), the library toilets were unlocked as late at 7 (since there were events on in the community space) so I got to have a hot shower after the vinyasa flow. They were locked in the morning. A bit of noise of heavy trucks and such but otherwise a decent place to rest for the night.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in May 2021

  • 3.0/5

    A nice enough spot but definitely not as aesthetically pleasing as a couple more just along the road.

    Situated on a sports ground you could be inundated with hoards of kids early on a weekend morning.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2014

    Zoe's avatar
