Dartmoor Bridge Reserve

Dartmoor Bridge Reserve

Freedom Camping


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Dartmoor Bridge Reserve

Dartmoor Bridge Reserve, in the Dartmoor Valley about 30 minutes inland from Napier, is a designated free-camping area for certified self-contained motorhomes and campervans. Certified vehicles can stay here for up to two nights.
Pack everything out when you leave, respect the environs around you and enjoy!


Feature Value Info


Hastings District Council

Council organisation


North IslandHawkes BayNapier


  • Activity__freedom_campingFreedom Camping
  • Free


To Coordinates







  • 3.0/5

    Unmarked not sure "Brian" is talking about the dame place we spent a night at.

    Yep there is traffic into the evening and starting again in the morning .. but no worse than a lot of FC spots.

    There 3 or 4 planted up parking bays .. reasonably level .. it passes for a night

    Reviewed 4 months ago

  • 1.5/5

    Dartmoor is a beautiful place but it's wrecked by 1) heavy trucks running very late and very early 2) locals who use the place to smash bottles, dump rubbish, destroy cars, shoot .303's into the trees

    , drop condoms and bloody tissues and tip over rubbish bins 4) people screaming up and down the road at such speed one day one of those kids on those racing quads is going to find out what happens when a light-weight high speed object hits a stationary object like a rock or an animal. I love Dartmoor but the locals treat it like a cesspit and the Rangers are apparently quite fond of dishing out trespass notices to people who go up there and pick up rubbish. The first step to making Dartmoor reserve a more attractive place for motorhomes would be installing speedbumps outside the reserve.

    Reviewed about 2 years ago