Hot Rock Rafting

Hot Rock Rafting

1 Rankers Review

12 Rafting

16 Greymouth



Feature Value Info


Hot Rock Rafting

Commercial organisation


South IslandWest CoastGreymouth


  • Activity__raftingRafting


To Office


  • 5.0/5

    What an awesome day this was.

    There were only the two of us and our guide. It was off the beaten track and we felt special by being able to go here. The walk was on the rougher side but easy and made us realise not many people get to go to this place. When we got to the end of the walk there were these natural hotpools. They were fantastic, we hated getting out of them! At one end they were really hot so you good go to the cool end for a while. Our guide left us with a picnic and gave us some privacy, being just by ourselves in this special place was one of the more romantic things we've done..

    We then hopped into a raft and paddled back to the road. The rafting was just right, not to rough but still good fun. I'd have to say that our few days in Greymouth was awesome, it's a smaller friendly town with some great scenery, walks and cycle trails too.

    Reviewed almost 14 years ago

    raceytracey's avatar

